
2016 Annual Report on the Promotion of the Korean ICT Industry(Summary)
이윤재 2017-01-04 7640
<2016 Annual Report on the Promotion of the Korean ICT Industry(Summary)> 입니다.

I. Current Status and Achievements of the ICT Industry

01. Global ICT Industry ············································· 02
(1) Changes in the ICT Environment 02
(2) Global ICT Market Situation 03
(3) The ICT Policies of Major Countries 05

02. Korean ICT Industry ············································ 08

03. Achievements of the ICT Industry ··········· 12
(1) National Economy 12
(2) Global Status 14

II. ICT Developmental Strategy and Direction

01. 2016 Directions of K-ICT Strategy ········· 18

02. Main Tasks of the K-ICT Strategy ········· 20
(1) Fostering 10 Strategic Industries 20
(2) ICT Convergence Expansion, Constitutional Improvement and Global Cooperation 21
(3) Strengthening the Competitiveness of Dominating Industries 23

III. Sectional Policies and Achievements

01. Strengthening the ICT Industry ················· 26
(1) SW·Digital Contents 26
(2) Devices, Components and Materials 28
(3) Internet, Informatization and Security 30
(4) Communications and Radio·Broadcasting 33

02. ICT Convergence Expansion ························ 36
(1) IoT·Big Data·Cloud·intelligent Information 36
(2) ICT Convergence Revitalization and Regulation Reform 39

03. Reinforcing the Foundations of the ICT Industries and Global Cooperation ········· 42
(1) ICT R&D and Standards 42
(2) ICT Work Force Training and Small and Medium-Sized Venture Corporations 43
(3) Global Cooperation and Overseas Expansion 45


01. ICT Organization ···················································· 48
02. ICT Legislations ······················································ 50
첨부파일 2016 Annual Report on the Promotion of the Korean ICT Industry(Summary) 161213.pdf (파일크기: 13 MB )

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