
2017 Annual Report on the Promotion of the Korean ICT Industry(Summary)
이윤재 2018-01-17 5770
<2017 Annual Report on the Promotion of the Korean ICT Industry(Summary)> 입니다.

I. Current Status and Achievements of the
ICT Industry

01. Global ICT Industry ············································ 02
02. Domestic ICT Industry ······································ 10
03. Achievements of the ICT Industry ··········· 15

II. Directions and Strategies toward
Improving ICT

01. Preparation for the Fourth Industrial
Revolution···································································· 22
02. Strategies and Tasks for the Promotion
of ICT ·············································································· 24

III. Strengthening the Global
Competitiveness of the ICT Industry

01. SW and Digital Contents ······························· 30
02. Devices and Components ······························ 33
03. Internet, Informatization and
Information Protection ········································ 38
04. Communications and Radio/Broadcasting· 43

IV. Intelligence Information and
Revitalization of ICT Convergence

01. Intelligence Information Industry ·············· 50
02. ICT Convergence and
Regulation Reform················································· 55

V. Foundation for ICT Industry and
Global Cooperation

01. ICT R&D and Standards ·································· 60
02. ICT Workforce Training and
Support for SME·Ventures ··························· 63
03. Global ICT Cooperation and
Overseas Expansion ············································ 66


01. ICT Organization ···················································· 70
02. ICT related Statutes ············································ 73

첨부파일 2017 Annual Report on the Promotion of the Korean ICT Industry (Summary).PDF (파일크기: 17 MB )

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